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  • How much do you charge for a tattoo?
    All tattoos vary in price depending on detail, size, and placement. Our minimum setup fee is just $80 and on average we charge $180-$200 an hour, it varies by artist. We also offer price estimates on tattoos; feel free to email us through our contact page!
  • How old do I have to be to get a tattoo?
    You must be 18 years of age or 16 with parental consent and proper documentation.
  • What will I need to bring to my appointment?
    All clients must bring a current photo ID (driver's license, state-issued ID card, military ID, or passport). For minors we require a current photo ID, a birth certificate, and a parent to sign. Mom or Dad will need photo identification and must be listed on the certificate. In the case of legal guardianship, we will need proof of legality through court documents.
  • How should I prepare for my appoinment?
    We encourage our clients to come well-rested and hydrated, and to eat something beforehand. Practice good hygeine and be considerate of where you're getting your tattoo - bring clothing that will allow the artist to easily access that part of your body.
  • Can I bring my friends?
    Bring your friends, we don't mind! There is currently a maximum of 2 people per booth but we can rotate people out from the lobby as well.
  • Finger tattoos, palm tattoos, lip tattoos and ear tattoos?"
    We do not recommend these areas; they will have a higher rate of ink loss and will require more touch-ups. For that reason we do not offer free touch-ups on these areas unless otherwise expressed by your artist. We will consider tattooing these areas but the detail would be dependent on the artist approval.
  • Do you do hand and face tattoos?
    Hand and face tattoos are a major decision that should be taken seriously. Ethically we will not tattoo your hand or face unless you are already heavily tattooed in visible areas. However this decision is completely up to the artist upon consultation.
  • How long should I wait before swimming?
    You should wait until your tattoo is fully healed. Submerging your tattoo in water before it is fully healed will cause an infection. Normal showers are fine. The typical wait time is 4 weeks for most people but everyone heals at a different rate.
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